Medicine: Childbirth: Nature v. Drugs

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"About 15% of deaths reported as infections are due to abortions. Every day in the U. S. at least three women die from abortion. Dr. [Frederick Joseph] Taussig told me that he guessed there are 700,000 abortions a year in the country [TIME, March 16]. My own hazarded estimation is nearer two million. Abortion, that is, the average criminal abortion, is more dangerous than having the baby. Instead of condoning abortion we should give people better methods of birth control."

Like many another notable Dr. DeLee has his quirks. He always wears the kind of white pique ties and stiff collars which were fashionable in Chicago when he was a medical student. During office hours he wears a white surgeon's jacket and carries a gold-plated stethoscope. In his office are floodlights for taking pictures, a small dark-colored desk and a narrow four-poster bed. On a wall is a picture of the Boy Christ in the Temple.

On Dr. DeLee's birthday (Oct. 28) the adoring Mother's Aid Club salutes him with the following ditty to the tune of The Man on the Flying Trapeze:

"There once was a doctor whose name was DeLee Best of obstetrical doctors was he. Expensive for rich, for the poor he was free This wonderful Dr. DeLee. A wonderful doctor is Dr. DeLee Bringing in babies by one, two and three, His movies will show to all posterity The marvels of Dr. DeLee."

*Authors: Constance D. Leupp & Marguerite Tracy. Said Mrs. Constance D. Leupp Todd last week: "My own twilight-sleep son is now 20 and a dandy."

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