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Rumania put Motza away for four months among vermin and rats after his Guard assassinated Premier Ion Duca (TIME, Jan. 8), announcing that next upon their list is "the Jewish whore" (see p. 22) and threatening even her keeper, the King. Murdered Premier Duca's closest colleague in statecraft was Rumania's present Foreign Minister, suave, cultured Nicholas Titulescu, also marked for assassination at some convenient time by the Iron Guard. Last week M. Titulescu, who had nothing to do with the Conference, happened to be dining at a smart Montreux hotel when he saw M. Motza enter the room. In deadly fear Rumania's Foreign Minister leaped from his table, bolted out of the room, while Terrorist Motza sat down to his dinner with the mien of a lion.

That night, upon M. Titulescu's urgent and jittery demand, Swiss detectives searched M. Motza's baggage, were astonished to find no bombs, no lethal weapons. Next day at luncheon Foreign Minister Titulescu made what he considered a triumphant reentry, marching in with his arm upraised in mock Fascist salute while other lunchers snickered.

At the Conference the Iron Guardsman postulated, and clung to his point that every Gentile ought to ask himself in dead earnest what is his attitude toward the Jews. It is M. Motza's contention that if the issue is ever thus faced results will be stupendous. With a tenacity maddening to President Coselschi and General O'Duffy, who fought against facing the issue, the Rumanian, Danish and Swiss delegates chorused: "We must discuss the Jews! We must discuss the Jews!! WE MUST DISCUSS THE JEWS!!!"

"State Within State." Finally a compromise was achieved. The Conference unanimously resolved that "the Jewish question cannot be converted into a universal campaign of hatred against the Jews." Not even discussed were such notorious libels upon Jewry as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. But the first World Conference for Pax Romanizing adopted this further resolution, phrased with care for Gentile scrutiny: "Considering that in many places certain groups of Jews are installed in conquered countries, exercising in an open and occult manner an influence injurious to the material and moral interests of the country which harbors them, constituting a sort of state within a state, profiting by all benefits and refusing all duties, considering that they have furnished and are inclined to furnish, elements conducive to international revolution which would be destructive to the idea of patriotism and Christian civilization, the Conference denounces the nefarious action of these elements and is ready to combat them."

Eternal Need— Admittedly this resolution was a compromise, and the Conference amply demonstrated that no one thing yet exists which can be called Fascism with any precision of idea, but the Conference did achieve one utter unity. Every delegate of whatever Fascist complexion urged all men who are not Communists to realize the basic sol idarity of their interests, as opposed by Communism. The Conference welkin rang as delegate after delegate recalled that the Communist Parties of all countries have a common war base and secretariat (The Third International) for fomenting the World revolution of the World Proletariat.

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