MEXICO: Plenty of Priests

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All Government departments kept mum. Mexico City newsorgans played down any mention as "rumor," except La Prensa which appeared with the screamer "ARCHBISHOP DISAPPEARED." After a long night and day of mystery he reappeared.

According to the Primate, he was ordered by traffic police to leave his car and enter theirs, was kept sitting parked in a fashionable suburb of Mexico City from 6 to 8:30 p. m., then taken to a police station where he sat up all night in a chair, refusing food but accepting lemonade.

"As a result," declared his secretary, "the Primate is suffering from severe cramps and head pains. Although he is robust, his health was greatly affected by the ordeal."

As President Lazaro Cardenas of Mexico returned to the capital from a brief tour of northern and central States, the Government announced that Primate Diaz, when arrested, had a bagful of small coins he had collected for administering confirmation to children at 75 centavos (21¢) each outside his district. The Primate, according to the Government, signed an admission that by officiating out of bounds he had violated Mexican law, promised not to repeat the offense and was subjected to a fine of 100 pesos ($27.75), "payable at his convenience." Last week His Grace did not pay.

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