People, Nov. 12, 1934

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"God is a 24-hour station," wrote Mary Pickford in Why not Try God?* "All you need to do is to plug in. You plug in with your thinking. Truthful thinking. Good thinking. Kind thinking. Unselfish thinking."

Just after the last of them was delivered, the Dionne quintuplets were humbly baptized by Dr. Alan R. Dafoe. When they were a few hours old they were hastily but authentically rebaptized by the parish priest. A week later they were given temporary names. Last week, aged 5 months, 2 days, in the presence of priest, parents, godparents, and alternates for the godparents, the famed five were really & truly, fully & finally named:

Marie Reine Alma Dionne, Emilie Marie Jeanne Dionne, Cecile Marie Emilda Dionne, Annette Lilianne Marie Dionne, Yvonne Edouilda Marie Dionne.

Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth put her five-story white stone Washington mansion up for sale at whatever price real estate agents can get. A mishap to Author Louis Bromfield's seventy-year-old mother, Mrs. Annette Maria Coulter Bromfield, when she attended a Daughters of Ohio Society luncheon in Manhattan's smart St. Regis Hotel roof garden, led her to sue the hotel for $50,000. She claimed she tripped on a tear in a St. Regis rug, fell down three steps, broke her left leg in three places.

The Academic Française learned that it would receive most of the estate of France's late great Foreign Minister Louis Barthou, that it must act as trustee for a small sum which Widower Barthou left to his mother-in-law.

*Published by H. C. Kinscy & Co. ($1).

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