Sport: Scavenging

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The red carnation of Clifton Webb was sought by so many couples that between his acts in As Thousands Cheer he hired a doorman to stand at the curb, toss flowers into the scavengers' cars as they pulled up. Funnyman Webb's carnation was brought back by 39 couples. Jimmy Durante refused to part with a shoe on the ground that it would be "humiliatin'."

Black-mustached Kermit Roosevelt, who had been appointed Barker, operated profitably in the Casino instead of taking part in the hunt. Forewarned by Miss Maxwell, he dispensed scores of mustache hairs from his vest pocket during the evening. As the private visiting list of Miss Juliana Cutting, awesome social arbiter who decides who is and who is not eligible for swank Manhattan parties, someone offered the Manhattan telephone directory. Animals secured by the scavengers included a black monkey, a monkey which wore a blue vest and munched a pretzel, assorted turtles and goats, a toucan, a Great Dane, a cub honeybear.

Late in the evening Producer Alfred de Liagre introduced blonde Helen Whitney Bourne, 19, socialite actress, as "the most beautiful woman in New York not yet present at the party." The headband of Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson was accepted as that of "New York's most gracious hostess." Many an "initialed handkerchief of an honest New York banker" was produced; all failed to qualify.

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