Foreign News: Consecrated Press

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"4) Matter that unlawfully injures the honor or welfare of any individual, hurts his reputation or draws him into ridicule or contempt.

"5) Anything that is unethical on any other grounds."

Docile, the German Press reported the National Press Law under such headlines as INDEPENDENCE OF FREE SPEECH and FREE DISCUSSION WITHIN THE SCOPE OF GOVERNMENT POLICY. Foreign correspondents in Germany were reported exempt from the law, but it binds German journalists abroad.

Same day the Hitler Cabinet stretched its power even further, decreed something called the Law Guaranteeing a Peace of Right. Distinct from the Press Law, this provides the death penalty for anyone who imports, publishes or distributes in Germany "treasonable articles." For importing, publishing or distributing "atrocity stories" (i. e. about Nazi atrocities) the maximum penalty is five years in jail.

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