Music: Dickens Operetta

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Manager Johnson, henchman of the Chicago opera's President Samuel Insull, said that Mary Garden was severing her 20 years' connection with the Chicago Opera by mutual agreement. Chicagoans had guessed that she was through a fortnight ago when no photograph of her appeared with the other pictures advertising next year's performances. Gossip forthwith spread to the effect that she had been ousted because Mrs. Insull does not like her, has long urged President Insull to end her contract. A year ago, the report went out, Mary Garden said she would not renew her contract and President Insull was glad to take her at her word, particularly after the expensive production of Hamilton Forrest's Camille (TIME, Dec. 15) turned out a failure. Already vacationing on the Riviera, Singer Garden had no comment to make on Chicago's gossip. Only hint of her plans was in her announcement that she was "by no means" retiring from opera.

*Sound is a series of waves. The waves need something to travel in. In general, the denser the medium the better sound gets through. Water is a better sound conductor than air. Steel is better than water.

*Mrs. Lafayette Page of Indiana, mother of Dancer Ruth Page, fell under the Wigman spell in Germany last year, interested other Indianapolis matrons who imported a Wigman teacher, started the first unofficial Wigman school in the U. S.

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