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Died. Loton Horton, 72, President, Sheffield Farms Co., Chairman of Board, National Dairy Products Co. (world's largest dairy firm); in Nice, France; of pneumonia. He started life driving a milk wagon for his uncle.
Died. Luigi Schipa, 88, father of Tenor Tito Schipa of the Chicago Civic Opera Co.; in Lecce, Italy. News was kept from Tenor Schipa until he finished a performance of Martha. Last summer Tenor Schipa, visiting Italy, arranged a special performance for his father.
Died. John Aikman Stewart, 104, Chairman of Board, United States Trust Co., Manhattan (which he organized, 1853); in Manhattan, of pneumonia. Acquainted with most U. S. Presidents since Jackson, he worked for Lincoln as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. In 1894, during Cleveland's second term, he was influential in securing resumption of specie payments. Columbia graduate, he was President pro tempore of Princeton (Sept. 1910Jan. 1912), following Woodrow Wilson's resignation.