HUNGARY: Dictator

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Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Managing Editor of Foreign Affairs, U. S. quarterly review, now roving Central Europe with an optimistic eye, imitated that time-honored English practice of writing to The Times by penning a letter to The New York Times. In a considerable amount of language he made the following points, confirming Mr. Smith's own statements: Hungary, led gently in the right financial path by Jeremiah Smith . . . seems more contented with her economic lot than appeared possible a year or so ago. Her budget is in order and she is not drawing on League of Nations' funds for current expenses. . . . There have been rumors that part of the League's financial support was really being used by Hungary to build up her military forces. . . . But it is not correct to say that League money went directly to military purposes, nor that at the present time Hungary's military expenses are greater than seem suitable to League officials.

*Titled "League of Nations Commissioner General in Hungary."

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