The Press: Sermons In Curtis

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Mr. Harvey's investigation will take him first to the Norfolk district, where he will question farmers and strikers, hoping to obtain data, which he says cannot be had from the meager newspaper reports and the brief, unsatisfactory debates in Parliament.

H. T. Webster, author of Poker Portraits, Life's Darkest Moments, and The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship, has joined the staff of The New York Evening World.

A German Joke

All Berlin is said to be laughing at an April Fool joke perpetrated upon credulous European militarists by Hugo Stinnes' Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, which printed on April 1, the story of the " discovery " made by a Russian scientist " for harnessing the latent energy of the atmosphere."

The story, given prominent place in the paper, under the signature of its Russian correspondent, told how this " scientist" had conducted his experiments at Uralsk, Russia, and that his invention had caused articles of any weight to be hurled " almost unlimited distances." The article goes on to say that " the discovery is certain to surpass in results the discovery of steam and electricity."

A few days later the executive editor of Herr Stinnes' paper pointed out that the names mentioned in the article were all imaginary, and that it was a regular custom for German papers to print some sort of sensational hoax in a prominent place on All Pools' Day.

Mr. Frank A. Munsey is publishing in his New York Herald a daily digest of all the news for the Busy Man. Mr. Munsey's digest differs materially from the one that has run in his neighbor The Tribune for the past year in that the items are some-what more detailed. (The New York World has maintained since April 2 a digest similar to The Tribune's.)

— A MAN PROM MAINE—Edward W. Bok. ($3.00).

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