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Died. Henry Cabot Lodge, 74, of Massachusetts; in Cambridge, Mass. (See CONGRESS.)
Died. Colonel P. H. Brewster, 78, Georgia's oldest practicing attorney; in Atlanta. When elected to the presidency of the Atlanta Bar Association, he was asked how long he intended to practice. "Just as long as I live," said he.
Died. Cornelius Cole, 102, oldest ex-U. S. Senator; in Los Angeles. He was a placer-miner in California in '49, knew well the bravest days of the Golden State—the stagecoach, the pony-express, the vigilantes. Lincoln's friend, he heard the Gettysburg address, was with the President on the day of his assassination. He was one of the twelve who organized the Central Pacific Railroad; the last of that stern company of senators who impeached President Andrew Johnson.