Milestones: Jan. 3, 1927

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Died. Richard Cary ("Uncle Richard'') Morse, 85, famed pioneer Y. M. C. A. official; at his Brooklyn home; of general breakdown, following a severe cold. Nephew of Painter-Inventor Samuel F. B. Morse he attended Yale, rowed on the 'Varsity crew, graduated in 1862. Student for the ministry, he was persuaded to become religious editor (1867-69) of the New York Observer; wrote for it a report of a meeting of the Y. M. C. A (then a struggling fledgling) which won him an official position with the organization; became eventually (until 1915) general secretary of the International "Y," preceding John Raleigh Mott. His grandfather, Jedediah Morse (1761-1826) was the author of the first U. S. work on geography; Grandson Richard in his work crossed the Atlantic 50 times and several times circled the globe. Though the name "Morse" is derived from Latin mordere, to bite, "Uncle Richard" was kindly, was greatly beloved.

Died. Mrs. Fanny Gillette, 98 author of the famed White House Cook Book; at Beverly Hills, Calif She ate three hearty meals a day, exercised morning and night, refused to ride in elevators, was the mother of King C. Gillette, famed razor man.

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