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Americans whose insurance policies will not exist in 2014 are now faced with a choice. They can sign up for replacement coverage being offered by their insurers, which is often vastly more expensive. Or they can shop around for new policies and, if they qualify, claim Obamacare subsidies to cover part of the cost. In most cases, the second option is the cheaper one, and it's the one Obama officials expect consumers to choose. In an Oct. 30 speech in Boston, Obama told consumers, "If you're getting one of these letters, just shop around in the new marketplace. That's what it's for."
But many can't, at least not yet. The federal insurance website, which administers the health care coverage markets for 36 states, won't be fully operational until the end of November, according to Administration officials. That leaves people with policies ending on Dec. 31 just a few weeks to sign up or face a gap in coverage, and a good reason to feel misled.