Tracy Morgan
(2 of 2)
I feel fortunate to have the disease but not have it affect me. My first season on 30 Rock, I wasn't taking the disease seriously. Then one day I got really sick. The doctor was like, "Hey, listen, we may have to take your foot." That was it for me. Now I take my insulin every day. My blood sugar doesn't get over 120.
What do you think of President Obama's winning the Nobel Peace Prize?
Chukwunwikezarramu Okumephuna LONDON
I think he deserves it. I think he's really trying to stop nuclear war. I love Obama. You see how cool he is? You see the way he gets off of Air Force One? He kicks that leg just like Richard Roundtree. Ain't no other countries gonna mess with us. And as far as health care is concerned, tell them to put cocoa butter on it. Those old remedies still work!
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