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Babeland sells four times as much of its Naked organic lubricant as it does of a national synthetic brand. "It just goes to show that if they have choices, customers pick more eco-friendly and natural options," Cavanah says.
The Roman Catholic Church is catching on to the organic trend. "People pay $32 for eye cream because they're told it is good for them and the planet," says Jessica Marie Smith, who repackaged the NFP program at the diocese of Madison, Wis. "We figured we could do the same with NFP."
NFP detects ovulation by monitoring a woman's temperature and the amount of cervical mucus. But this process is not 100% accurate. And several studies on climate change note that the best way to protect the planet is to have fewer children. "Around the world, more than 40% of pregnancies are unintended, and full access to birth control is still unmet," says Jim Daniels, Trojan's vice president for marketing. "Meeting that unmet need would translate into billions of tons of carbon dioxide saved."
To that end, Trojan makes latex condoms as well as ones made of biodegradable lambskin. Other brands offer a vegan variety that replaces the dairy protein in latex condoms with cocoa powder. And no, they don't all taste like chocolate.
The original version of this article stated that Babeland sells four times as much of Good, Clean Loves organic lubricant as it does of a national synthetic brand. Good, Clean Love is, in actuality, not the products brand name but rather the manufacturer of Babelands Naked lubricant.