Business: Lloyd's Losses

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Lloyd's internal legal battles originated after nearly $50 million in losses suffered by one syndicate headed by Underwriter Frederick ("Tim") Sasse. Between 1975 and 1977 this group amassed an amazing collection of bad risks. Some 1,300 claims worth $22.7 million were paid out in fire-insurance policies issued in Canada and the U.S., many in the arson-plagued South Bronx. The Sasse syndicate had also reportedly exceeded its premium-issuing limit by some 3½ times. Now 38 members of the group, who are under pressure to come up with an average $448,000 each, are suing the insurance exchange and challenging the sacred unlimited liability rule. They are arguing that they should not be liable for losses that resulted from a failure of Lloyd's internal controls.

The lawsuit is viewed with icy resentment by brokers, senior underwriters and many syndicate members. Yet the plaintiffs include many highly visible members of the clubby British Establishment, including Lord Napier, the private secretary to Princess Margaret, and Major Sir Francis Legh, equerry to the Queen Mother. Snapped one angry underwriter: "It's like getting into real trouble and saying to your parents, 'Why did you let me do it?' " Added Ian Findlay, the former chairman of Lloyd's: "There is today a feeling of unease among insurers that the principle of good faith is being steadily eroded."

When the Sasse scandal first set alarm bells ringing, Lloyd's commissioned a review of exchange procedures from an independent "working party" headed by Sir Henry Fisher, president of Wolfson College, Oxford. Lloyd's Chairman Green expects the report, due this spring, will give him the evidence to convince Parliament that a new act is necessary. Says he: "We operate largely under the 1871 act, which creaks and groans like mad. We have to have rules to back our authority. We need discipline in the system." -

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