Friday, Mar. 18, 2011

Unofficial Royal-Wedding Plates

With its doves and 22-karat gilding, the official royal-wedding commemorative china conveys a regal quality. But design enthusiasts, antiroyalists and Britons experiencing wedding fatigue would rather have something rebellious. To answer that call, London's quirky KK Outlet has thrown together a five-piece collection of unofficial royal-wedding plates. A funky pink, yellow and black plate imagines Kate's wedding list: "Toaster, dinner set, throw pillows, new tiara, Oxfordshire." Meanwhile a baby blue dish acts as a foil to all the royal pomp and circumstance: "WILL 4 KATE 4 EVA." Instead of purchasing the entire collection for $120, jealous singletons can order the "It Should Have Been Me" plate — or other individual designs — for $32.