Thursday, Dec. 09, 2010

Jon Stewart v. Rick Sanchez

Being the butt of The Daily Show's jokes was too much for Rick Sanchez to handle. After one too many gibes, and after it was announced that Sanchez's show on CNN was being pushed to a less desirable time slot, he went on a radio show to plug his new book, Conventional Idiocy, and instead displayed some unconventional idiocy by blasting Stewart on air. In addition to calling the Comedy Central star "a bigot", Sanchez seared his own company as representative of an industry dominated by privileged Jews. It was one thing to criticize Stewart. But once CNN learned of his comments, he was instantly persona non grata — relieved of his duties as the host of Rick's List. Stewart wasted no time in throwing salt on Sanchez's wounds, skewering him in a segment with the brilliantly punny title of "Hurty Sanchez". Sure, Stewart took his share of shots. But he had the last laugh, too.