Thursday, Dec. 09, 2010

Mad Men

The '60s reached their midpoint in Season 4, but TV's psychologically acute advertising drama still had that swing. Don Draper and company relaunched their business in the sleek new offices of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, giving Mad Men's office-politics stories new verve. And the new business — snazzy on the outside but financially struggling — served as an analogy for the show's recurring theme: the disconnect between surface appearances and inner reality. As Draper dealt with the messy aftermath of his and Betty's divorce, the season brought him to an alcohol- and doubt-fueled nadir — and showcased Jon Hamm's best work yet. As the season ended, Don moved toward new beginnings, getting a handle on his business problems and getting engaged again. Is he truly changing or just finding a new way to fool himself? We'll have to see: the '60s are only halfway over. (AMC)