Thursday, Sep. 02, 2010

Handpresso Wild

Need a higher-quality caffeine fix than the muddy brew your cafeteria serves up? Handpresso Wild might just scratch that java itch. A handheld espresso maker, the Handpresso Wild only requires boiling water and any E.S.E. Pod, (think of them as espresso tag bags) found in most grocery stores or coffee houses. (Order a box of 24 pods from Starbucks online, now available for regular automated delivery so you won't run out.) Just pump the Handpresso until the Pressure gauge gives you the green light, fill with hot water, and place the E.S.E. Pod inside the filter. Dispense the pressure-pressed, piping hot espresso into a mug and launch your latte experiments. And, since all grounds stay inside the E.S.E. pod, you'll never have to deal with a mess. For those who need a few tips before diving into barista mad science, download the Barista app to your iPhone or iPod Touch. For $2.99, the app will teach you the art of mixing espresso drinks with simple instructions and video demonstrations.

Price: $99.95 from Amazon

(See Techland's best back-to-school apps list)