Since The Hurt Locker is already out on DVD, the producers will require a second printing of the box to read, "Six Academy Awards, including Best Picture" (plus Director, Original Screenplay, Editing, Sound Editing and Sound Mixing). Maybe the movie will now be seen by some of the people who tuned in to the Oscars to watch an Avatar coronation (it wins only three minor awards, as if it were a Victorian costume drama). Bigelow, towering like a Na'vi over her colleagues, has clearly run out of people to thank (the film had a small crew), so she again salutes the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan — and anyone else in uniform, including firefighters and, I believe, crossing guards. She is then corralled by Martin and Baldwin; Martin announces that "the show is so long that Avatar now takes place in the past." Actually, Cameron's epic is the future of movies. On Oscar night, though, The Hurt Locker gets all the shiny presents.