Tuesday, Dec. 08, 2009

Rihanna's Ex-Boyfriend

R&B artists Chris Brown and Rihanna were scheduled to perform at the Grammy Awards in February. When organizers announced that the couple, one of Hollywood's hottest, was off the program, a pall was cast over the show — and possibly the rest of Brown's career. Word soon spread that the night before the Grammys, Brown and Rihanna had gotten into a heated argument. According to the police report, Brown hit Rihanna's head against the passenger window of their rented Lamborghini, punched her in the left eye and continued to assault her while driving the car. He also allegedly threatened to kill her. (Photos of a battered Rihanna later surfaced online.) Brown was charged with two felonies, and as part of a plea deal was sentenced to five years probation, a year of domestic violence counseling and six months of community service. A restraining order stipulates that Brown must stay 50 yards away from her. At music-industry events, he can't get closer than 10 yards. Rihanna said Brown was often abusive in their relationship. "That's not how I am as a person," Brown told Larry King in September. Brown hit the talk-show circuit, apologizing for his behavior and promoting his new single with the refrain "Let's crawl ... crawl .... crawl/ Back to love."