Tuesday, Dec. 08, 2009

Going to the Chapel

It was just your typical boy-meets-girl love story. Except for the part about the boy being a high-profile Catholic priest. A soap-opera-worthy scandal played out in Miami Beach this spring when the Mexican gossip magazine TVnotas published two dozen photos of Father Alberto Cutié engaged in decidedly uncelibate behavior with a comely woman on a beach. The handsome Cutié, who hosted a Spanish-language talk show on Telemundo, admitted that the woman, Ruhama Canellis, was his girlfriend. In response, the Miami Archdiocese removed him from his parish post and barred him from leading Mass. In May, Cutié announced that he was leaving the Catholic Church and becoming an Episcopalian. Two weeks later, the pair married in Coral Gables, Fla. There's no word on their honeymoon destination, but it probably wasn't Rome.