Monday, Sep. 07, 2009

Nancy Reagan

In 1988, former Reagan chief of staff Donald Regan revealed in his memoir For the Record that Nancy had regularly consulted an astrologer during the 1980s after her husband was wounded in an assassination attempt. More recently, she told Vanity Fair that, "It sounds strange, but ... I see Ronnie. At nighttime, if I wake up, I think Ronnie's there, and I start to talk to him. It's not important what I say. But the fact is, I do think he's there. And I see him." Then President-elect Barack Obama fanned these particular flames when, during his first press conference after winning the 2008 election, he said that's he'd spoken to all his living predecessors but "didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about, you know, doing any séances." Obama quickly apologized "for the careless and offhanded remark."