To: Rich Eisen, NFL Network anchor
From: Alycia Lane, Philadelphia TV anchor
Re: Lane was apparently looking for male companionship in 2007 when she e-mailed photos of herself in a bikini to Eisen, an anchor with the NFL Network. There was just one problem: Eisen was married — and he shared the e-mail account with his wife. She fired back a sarcastic message to Lane: "Sorry but those seven e-mails you sent to my husband, Rich, well, oops, they came to the e-mail address we both use from time to time, but no worries...." Lane later claimed the messages were "purely platonic." It wouldn't be Lane's final run-in with e-mail. Her co-anchor in Philadelphia, Larry Mendte, was sentenced to six months' house arrest after allegedly breaking into Lane's e-mail account more than 500 times and leaking embarrassing information about her. Lane lost her own job after being arrested in New York for allegedly striking a police officer.