Friday, Feb. 13, 2009

Zen Habits

Zen Habits is a blog that offers simple ways to be more productive, written by Leo Babauta, who lives his own Zen-like existence on Guam as a writer and father of six kids. The blog features one article a day on topics such as personal productivity, organization, living frugally, eliminating debt, and cultivating good habits. With Zen Habits, practice makes perfect, and the blog excels at offering specific strategies to improve and simplify your life (16 Ways to Get Motivated When You're In a Slump, 20 Ways to Eliminate Stress from Your Life, 30 Simple Family Pleasures.) This is the rare blog that can actually improve your everyday life.

Sample Zen Habits post: Here are my simple steps to achieving Email Zen: 1) Don't check email first thing in the morning, or have it constantly on...

Entry you'll never see: Whenever you find yourself feeling a bit down, there's no better pick-me-up than treating yourself to a shopping spree.