Then: Ever the loyal wife, Hillary Clinton remained supportive of her husband throughout the impeachment hearings and allegations of his affair with Monica Lewinsky. She chalked the whole thing up to a "vast right-wing conspiracy" — despite Bill's history of alleged sexual misconduct. When the President finally admitted to having an affair with Lewinsky, the First Lady was, understandably, furious.
Now: Hillary recounted her struggles with Bill's infidelity in her memoir, Living History, saying that "as a wife, I wanted to wring Bill's neck." Despite rumors that the former First Couple were headed for divorce, the two remained married and she went on to forge her own political career. With a former President as her husband, her achievements were anything but secret. She became the junior Senator from New York in 2000 and during her second term, decided to run for President. Although Hillary lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama, she was recently tapped as her former opponent's nominee for Secretary of State.