Bert and Ernie moved to Sesame Street in 1969 to teach kids — no, not about homosexuality — but that sometimes, opposites attract. "They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves," Sesame Street Workshop said in an August 2011 press release (issued in response to Internet speculation that the pair was actually a gay couple). So how are they different? Simple: Ernie is fat while Bert is thin. Ernie is orange while Bert is yellow. Ernie has no eyebrows while Bert has a giant Noel Gallagher-esque unibrow that he should really get taken care of. Ernie is goofy while Bert is a giant pain in the — sorry, we forgot we were writing about Muppets. Basically, they're the children's television version of The Odd Couple.