Always reserve a seat at the time of booking, and if the airline or booking engine won't let you, keep revisiting until you can. The longer the flight, the more attention you should pay to getting a decent seat: resources with detailed seat info include, and Don't like the seat options? Select one anyway, then check back every spare minute to change it, including when you're on the plane. (If you're a member of an airline lounge club, ask the agents there to make seat changes for you. They're rumored to have more clout.) To snag a coveted exit-row seat, arrive at the airport early for check-in, since you can't select those seats online. Some airlines charge more for window seats or seats with extra legroom (including the exit row); whether it's worth paying depends on the cost, length of flight and your tolerance for discomfort.
Travel is full of pitfalls. One wrong step and your vacation could be ruined by a seedy hotel room, an overpriced restaurant, a wasted afternoon at a tourist-trap attraction or an overnight flight crammed in the middle seat. So, guarantee a smooth trip by planning thoroughly. Here's how to make all the right moves.