Strategic issue is where to send & how to fund our troops. (Sep 2008)
Islam in 1970s was not opposed to West & rule of law. (Jul 2008)
Go after al Qaeda but also shrink pool of potential recruits. (Jul 2008)
No torture; no renditions; no operating out of fear. (Apr 2008)
Al Qaida is stronger now than in 2001 as Iraq distracted us. (Jan 2008)
Colleges must allow military recruiters for ROTC on campus. (Jan 2008)
No presidential power for secret surveillance. (Dec 2007)
No holding US citizens as unlawful enemy combatants. (Dec 2007)
Congress decides what constitutes torture, not president. (Dec 2007)
No torture; defiance of FISA; no military commissions. (Dec 2007)
Restore habeas corpus to reach Muslims abroad. (Dec 2007)
Human rights and national security are complementary. (Nov 2007)
Don't allow our politics to be driven by fear of terrorism. (Nov 2007)
2006: Obama-Lugar bill restricted conventional weapons. (Oct 2007)
Judgment is as important as experience. (Oct 2007)
If attacked, first help victims then prevent further attacks. (Oct 2007)
America cannot sanction torture; no loopholes or exceptions. (Sep 2007)
Repeal Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell. (Aug 2007)
2005: Passed bill to reduce conventional weapon stockpiles. (Aug 2007)
We are no safer now than we were after 9/11. (Aug 2007)
Close Guantanamo and restore the right of habeas corpus. (Jun 2007)
Homeland security must protect citizens, not intrude on them. (Mar 2007)
America must practice the patriotism it preaches. (Mar 2007)
Personal privacy must be protected even in terrorism age. (Mar 2007)
Get first responders the healthcare and equipment they need. (Mar 2007)
Need to be both strong and smart on national defense. (Oct 2006)
Grow size of military to maintain rotation schedules. (Oct 2006)
Battling terrorism must go beyond belligerence vs. isolation. (Oct 2006)
Going after Al Qaeda in Pakistan is not Bush-style invasion. (Jan 2006)
We are currently inspecting 3% of all incoming cargo. (Oct 2004)
Balance domestic intelligence reform with civil liberty risk. (Jul 2004)
Give our soldiers the best equipment and training available. (Jul 2004)
National Service
Expand Peace Corps and AmeriCorps to 266,000 slots. (Feb 2008)
Put forward a national service program. (Jan 2008)
Give 18-year-old women opportunity to serve. (Dec 2007)
Register women for draft, but not for combat. (Jul 2007)
Nuclear Weapons
Pursue goal of a world without nuclear weapons. (Feb 2008)
Rebuild a nuclear nonproliferation strategy. (Jan 2008)
Protecting nuclear power plants is of utmost importance. (Mar 2007)
Rebuild the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. (Jan 2006)
Increase funding to decommission Russian nukes. (Jul 2004)
Unacceptable to have veterans drive 250 miles to a hospital. (Feb 2008)
Improve veterans' mental health treatment & PTSD benefits. (Feb 2008)
Support veterans via the Dignity for Wounded Warriors Act. (Aug 2007)
Address the deficiencies in the VA system. (Jun 2007)
The cost of the Iraq war should not shortchange VA benefits. (Jun 2007)
Make sure the outpatient facilities work for veterans. (Jun 2007)
Comprehensive plan for our veterans healthcare. (Mar 2007)
Voting Record
FactCheck: Promised to repeal Patriot Act, then voted for it. (Jan 2008)
Voted NO on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad. (Aug 2007)
Voted YES on limiting soldiers' deployment to 12 months. (Jul 2007)
Voted YES on implementing the 9/11 Commission report. (Mar 2007)
Voted YES on preserving habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees. (Sep 2006)
Voted YES on requiring CIA reports on detainees & interrogation methods. (Sep 2006)
Voted YES on reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. (Mar 2006)
Voted NO on extending the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision. (Dec 2005)
Voted YES on restricting business with entities linked to terrorism. (Jul 2005)
Voted YES on restoring $565M for states' and ports' first responders. (Mar 2005)
Sponsored bill for Iraq budget to be part of defense budget. (Jun 2006)
Improve mental health care benefits for returning veterans. (Jun 2008)
Study & address suicides among veterans. (Apr 2008)
Restore habeas corpus for detainees in the War on Terror. (Jun 2007)
Establish global strategy to defeat al Qaeda. (Feb 2008)
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