This season-five episode not only contains possibly the series' funniest line ("We're in a f___ing stagmire," by the malaproping Little Carmine Lupertazzi) but its most pitiful whacking. Christopher's fiance Adriana, pressured into informing for the Feds, is trapped between ratting on the Family and spending years in prison and makes a desperate try to escape by persuading Christopher to run away with her. Chris wavers, chooses Tony over his woman, and one long drive with Silvio and a short crawl through the leaves later, Ade is snuffed out. In her last season, Drea De Matteo takes a big-haired, gum-snapping character that always verged on parody and makes her a fully empathetic person, exploited by both sides, wanting nothing more than love and a family—OK, and the occasional expensive gift—and getting two bullets put in her for it.
(Directed by Tim Van Patten; written by Terence Winter)