President of Al-Qods University, Jerusalem
Sixty years from now, Palestinians and Israelis will be much more mixed together, and both will be better off economically. Palestine, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon will be united in tourism operations and culturally.
Why am I so optimistic? Hatred is losing its hold was a way of solving problems. Secondly, there is movement on many things, private ventures, exchanges, small projects, that show the Palestinians and Israelis are capable of working together. Also the rejection mentality on both sides is losing its influence and will eventually disappear. Also, there's changing values among both Israelis and Palestinians.
They both realize they want the same thing a good life, a good education for their children. And, in the Palestinian mind, the holy issues are no longer such a priority. What's holdings us back is that right now the Israelis and the Palestinians have bad leaders. Neither Ehud Olmert nor Mahmoud Abbas has the courage to fight for their own personal and political vision. Instead, they're fighting for their own personal and political interests.