#4. Help for Dieters: Alli
Need help shedding those extra holiday pounds? Overweight adults now have
an extra weapon against fat: Alli, the first FDA-approved weight-loss drug
sold over the counter. Alli (a.k.a. orlistat) works by monkeying with
lipase, an enzyme the body uses to break down and digest the fat in food. A
dose of Alli (pronounced like ally) on the heels of a meal blocks the body's
ability to absorb fat by 30%. But Alli's maker, GlaxoSmithKline, insists the
drug isn't a magic bullet and recommends that it be used only in conjunction
with a healthy low-fat diet and plenty of exercise. Another reason to
practice a little restraint? Sticking to a low-fat diet helps reduce Alli's
common and unpleasant side effects — cramps, gas, diarrhea and oily