That classic American genre, the Western, was never the same after an Italian director cast third-tier TV cowboy Clint Eastwood in three bleakly funny, increasingly operatic oaters: Fistful Of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More and The Good, The Bad And The Ugly. (And a decade later, the Western practically disappeared. Go figure.) In addition to the mid-60s Man With No Name trilogy, all lovingly remastered, this MGM box has Duck, You Sucker, with Rod Steiger emoting up a storm. All that's missing from the Leone Western oeuvre is his masterpiece, Once Upon a Time in the West. The set is best enjoyed with a CD of Ennio Morricone's trailblazing Leone scores. All together now: WAA-ah-WAA-ah-WAA, WAH WAH WAH.
— Richard Corliss