The former governor of Arkansas is more genuinely congenial than any other Republican candidate, with the possible exception of Fred Thompson. When Huckabee smiles as he often does both on stage and in talking to voters one-on-one the smiles are authentic, appearing and fading away naturally. They're not pushed onto the face or suddenly dropped, like a fake social smile will be. Even when he's not being his usual upbeat self, his face is animated, such as when he gathers his eyebrows together in a sign of concern while talking about oil dependence or dislike for the current tax system.
Facing Off With the Candidates
Candidates in the 2008 presidential race never seem to stop talking, but is it possible that what their facial expressions tell us IS MORE revealing than what they actually say? In a experiment Dan Hill, a recognized authority on facial coding, looks into each candidate's eyes for clues to their innermost thoughts.