Former wrestler Dwayne (the Rock) Johnson has been acting for seven years. His most recent movie, the football comedy The Game Plan, topped the box office in its opening weekend.
You played football at the University of Miami. How did it feel to put the pads back on?
It felt great — and they didn't smell as much as they did at Miami. It was ironic that playing in the NFL was a dream of mine, and that dream never came true for me. Eleven years later in The Game Plan, I was in the middle of Gillette Stadium, leading my team to the Super Bowl, winning and becoming MVP.
Was your co-star, then 8-year-old Madison Pettis, a scene stealer?
There's this general rule in Hollywood that you're not supposed to work with children or animals [because they're scene stealers]. Comedy is very difficult to pull off, but she was a tremendous comedic partner.
Do you think you'd be as successful if you were known only as Dwayne Johnson?
Positively. Ultimately it comes down to your performance, regardless of what your name is. If you deliver your performance and you entertain your audience, that's all that really matters.
Would you ever consider running for Governor of California?
[Laughs.] Possibly one day. Arnold's doing a great job, and we've been friends for years. You would never want to rule that out. And I'm American, so I can run for President.