That's a bad-ass picture of Joe on the podium very presidential. And his other photos are cool too: throwing the coin toss before a University of Delaware game, hanging with the Dalai Lama, playing bocce ball, posing with some cute college-aged girl. He'd rank even higher if he'd fill out his interests and lay off the bulletining. On just day two of our friendship, Joe Biden sent me a bulletin in which he told me how awesome his local Iowa TV coverage has been, with a link to clip. If you're sending me local Iowa news clips, you're going to really make me suffer whenever you have grandchildren pictures.
Presidential Candidates on MySpace
Many Americans will decide whom to vote for based on their MySpace pages. To save you the time of researching their sites yourself, we reviewed all 18 of the candidates from both major parties ranked from lamest to coolest. In less than a year, you can tell people that the leader of the free world thanked you for the add