Quotes of the Day

Thursday, Sep. 30, 2004

Open quoteI've never seen Tuscany looking so good. The difference this time is not where I'm going, but how I'm getting there. Today, it's a cherry red 1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider 1600 Veloce that I'm tooling around in for a tour of Chianti's sloping vineyards and sleepy hamlets.

The Giulia is a vintage convertible dream, with rounded lines that undulate like the Tuscan hillsides and an engine throb that blends with the rustle of cypress trees. So when slowing to a gentle stop near a 10th century cobblestone abbey, I couldn't help but feel like my four wheels were actually improving the scenery. 404 Not Found

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Walter Laimer and Gert Pichler, northern Italian buddies who once led Tuscan bike tours, offer four-day, all-inclusive guided Alfa tours that start around 32,000.

"With cars today you're shut off from the surrounding environment," says Laimer. "You lose the real sense of driving." Their German-based company, Nostalgic, simply drops the key in the client's palm and hands over a map and guidebook. "There are people who have the money and the desire but not the knowledge or the time to own a classic car," notes Pichler. "Now a businessman in London gets on a plane and three hours later he is driving a vintage Alfa Romeo through the hills of Chianti." It's almost hard to stop for lunch. Close quote

  • JEFF ISRAELY | Castellina
  • Transports of delight to see the Italian countryside
Photo: HERBERT THOMA | Source: Transports of delight to see the Italian countryside