Quotes of the Day

Sunday, Aug. 22, 2004

Open quoteWith the heavy cost of prescription drugs weighing on patients, states that wind up with part of the tab are taking action to help consumers lower their bills. Illinois announced last week that it plans to set up a website and toll-free phone number to help residents buy cheaper prescriptions from Canada, Ireland and Britain. That program, which Illinois estimates will cut prices 25% to 50%, follows in the footsteps of ones already in place in Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and North Dakota. Meanwhile, New York launched a website last week that enables its residents to compare the prices of the most commonly prescribed drugs at different pharmacies in their area. The site, at www.nyagrx.com, is similar to one started by Maryland earlier this year at www.oag.state.md.us/drugprices. Residents of any state can comparison shop at www.pillbot.com or www.pharmacychecker.com, and seniors with the new discount drug cards (available since June) can use www.medicare.gov.Close quote

  • Barbara Kiviat