Quotes of the Day

Monday, Jan. 19, 2004

Open quoteIn November 1916, Lawrence Sperry, who had already made history as the inventor of the autopilot, entered the annals of aviation a second time. A prurient daredevil, he found that his new device facilitated a midair assignation with a female flight student—thereby unofficially inaugurating the Mile High Club. Things almost ended tragically that day: Sperry's boat plane went crashing into a New York bay, where two bewildered duck hunters saved the naked couple.

Mission to Mars
January 26, 2004 Issue

 Avian Flu: Asia on High Alert
 India: The BJP's New Look
 Viewpoint: Moderate Victory?
 Timeline: History of the BJP
 Pakistan: The Monster Within

 Books: India's Glorious Parasites

 China IPOs: Get'em While They're Hot

 Philippines: The Fire Next Time
 Cambodia: Court Intrigue

 Tokyo: Hipster Hotel
 Sicily: Market Research
 Bangkok: Undiscovered Temples

CNN.com: Top Headlines
To airlines' chagrin, this hasn't stopped passengers from following Sperry's lascivious lead. Nearly every flight attendant has had to deal with such meetings, says a 15-year veteran stewardess for a large Asian airline. "Usually, the people are drunk," she says. Officially, however, airlines pooh-pooh the topic. "Honestly, I have never heard of it happening," says Cathay Pacific spokeswoman Lisa Wong. At KLM, flag carrier for the Netherlands, spokesman Youssef Eddini was taken aback that we even popped the question. "It is simply not allowed," he ruled. Even the spokeswoman for Virgin Atlantic—whose owner, Richard Branson, once intimated that he would like to introduce double beds on his planes—said, "It's illegal and violators could be handed over to the proper authorities."

Unfortunately, for those willing to risk it, "there is no such official club per se," says San Diego-based businessman Phil Kessler, who owns the U.S. trademark for "Mile High Club." Still, his eight-year-old website, milehighclub.com, offers "MHC"-branded merchandise and lists dozens of stories about World War II soldiers trysting over the South Pacific to married couples spicing up their summer vacations. No doubt Sperry, who died in a crash seven years after his inaugural rendezvous, looks down at this with lusty approval. Close quote

  • Chaim Estulin
  • The Wright brothers may not have done it, but amorous adventurers have tried to join the "Mile-High Club" almost since the dawn of flight
| Source: The Wright brothers may not have done it, but amorous adventurers have tried to join the "Mile-High Club" almost since the dawn of flight