Quotes of the Day

Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003

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Anti-Dean Wing Is Scrambling — And Shrinking — A Washington Post analysis of the endorsement includes reasons why Wesley Clark's stock could rise among anti-Dean forces: his capital and military background.

Gore Backs Campaign Least Likely to Repeat Missteps of 2000 — Walter Shapiro writes in USA Today that "by backing the former Vermont governor, Gore belatedly joined the anti-Washington-consultant wing of the Democratic Party."

Gore-Dean Quotes — Reaction by Democratic presidential candidates to former Vice President Al Gore's decision to endorse Howard Dean.

Why Gore's Backing Dean — Dick Morris writes in the New York Post that Al Gore and Howard Dean are fighting for the same thing: independence from Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Now it's Gore-PoweredNational Review Online contributor Clifford D. May writes that Howard Dean will assuredly be the Democratic nominee for president in 2004 and that "either Al Gore will be asked to be secretary of state in 2004, or Hillary Clinton will be asked to be the Democratic presidential nominee in 2008."

Al Gore's Betrayal of Joe Lieberman — The Connecticut senator reacts to being snubbed by his former running mate.

Mr. Inside Embraces Mr. Outside, and What a Surprise — In a New York Times op-ed, Todd S. Purdum writes, "The sudden marriage of such a seeming odd couple could wind up being seen as so politically expedient as to seem almost unprincipled, playing into the public's worst perceptions that campaigns are about power and winning, not big ideas."

Joe Conason's Journal — The Salon.com scribe calls Gore's move "a principled stand by a man who's changed profoundly since 2000."

Instapundit on Gore's Endorsement of Dean — The popular politics blog shares related links and commentary.Close quote

  • Paul Katcher
  • A sampling of commentary found around the web on Al Gore's surprising endorsement of Howard Dean for the 2004 presidential election
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