Quotes of the Day

Wednesday, Sep. 17, 2003

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• Sizing Up the Wesley Clark Effect — MSNBC's Tom Curry on whether the general’s entry into the race is uniformly bad news for his rivals

• Cincinnatus for President — Slate's David Greenberg on how generals get elected president

• Transcript: Chat on Wesley Clark — A wrap-up of Washington Post military reporter Vernon Loeb's chat with online users about Clark's candidacy

• A Citizen’s Appeal to a General in a Time of War — Controversial film maker Michael Moore's open letter to Wesley Clark. Run, general, run!

• Wesley Clark: The New Howard Dean? — Salon's Eric Boehlert writes that some Democratic insiders wonder if Clark has a better chance of beating Bush then the current front-runner from Vermont

• The Wesley Clark Weblog — A continuously updated collection of links to news, commentary and discussion about Clark

• BBC Profile: Wesley Clark — The former general and NATO chief's credentials for running against Bush rest squarely on his military reputation

• From San Fran to Arkansas to Help Wesley Clark — The San Francisco Chronicle on how two men helped fuel a drive to persuade the retired general to run

• Some Free Advice for General Clark — The New York Daily News offers up five suggestions for an effective campaign

• Mystery Man Rubbed Pentagon Brass the Wrong Way — The Sydney Morning Herald on Clark's reputation Close quote

  • Paul Katcher
  • A collection of links to online commentary about today's water-cooler topic
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