Quotes of the Day

Monday, Jul. 07, 2003

Open quote

Standing Up For Hong Kong
 Hong Kong's Economy
July 14, 2003 Issue

 Talk Radio: Making Waves
 N. Korea: Selling Nukes?
 India: Vajpayee on Top

 Books: A Dull Brick Lane

 Pakistan: Quetta Massacre
 China: Broadcast Blues
 Thailand: Terror Scare

 Antarctica: Going with the Floe

CNN.com: Top Headlines
Thailand's arrest of three Thai nationals in June and a Singaporean in May sent a chill through the country's balmy resort towns—police alleged the men were part of a Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terrorist cell planning to commit Bali-style bombings in the tourist resorts of Pattaya and Phuket. Although the accused are in jail awaiting trial, a senior Thai intelligence source says the danger has not passed. An unidentified Thai believed to have planned the attacks remains at large and may still be able to carry them out. "We busted one cell but we know there is a JI network still in operation in Thailand," the intelligence official says. "We think they still have the ability to cause damage." The intelligence agency knows the identity of the mastermind and has him under surveillance. But no arrest has been made because authorities are still gathering evidence. Officials are worried that if they detain the man without convincing proof, Muslims in southern Thailand could riot. The Thais arrested in May, including a doctor, were prominent members of the Muslim community; many in the south claim they are innocent. But officials know they must move fast; the plotters may have set October as a target date. "If we detect signs that [the suspect at large] is planning an attack, we will pick him up," the intelligence official says. Close quote

  • Simon Elegant/Kuala Lumpur and Andrew Perrin/Bangkok
  • Despite May's arrests, Thai officials say other terror planners are at large and the danger is not over
| Source: Despite May's arrests, Thai officials say other terror planners are at large and the danger is not over