Quotes of the Day

Wu Ying, CEO of China operations for telecoms company UTSarcom
Monday, Jul. 07, 2003

Open quoteIt has not been a good century for technology companies. The past 30 months have seen parched capital markets, and investors who get scared on good days and furious on bad ones. Yes, the demand for Internet service, mobile phones and video games continues to skyrocket. But the tech sector is still deep inside its shakeout phase, which means that only a few savvy players continue to deliver products, services — and profits. This year, TIME's survey of global tech leaders salutes the survivors: those executives who've made it through all the punishment and come out with their businesses not just intact, but thriving. Their tales of survival may even help the rest of the tech sector get through the century's next 97 years. Close quote

  • TIME salutes the tech leaders who thrived in the slump
Photo: CHIEN-MIN CHUNG for TIME | Source: TIME salutes the tech leaders who thrived in the slump