Quotes of the Day

Sunday, Jun. 01, 2003

Open quoteThe Turner Prize nominations have become the British art scene's annual rite of ridicule. Last week's announcement that the shortlist included ceramist Grayson Perry, whose works depict scenes from the life of his alter ego, a woman named Claire, gave the tabloids more than their usual grist for outrage at the state of contemporary art. pornographic potter gunning for £20,000, screeched the Daily Mail.

But the tabs' time might be better spent exploring the cozy relationship between the Turner Prize judges and the nominees. Andrew Wilson, who short-listed Perry, was paid to pen a catalog essay on him for an exhibition of Perry's work in Amsterdam this year. Tate, the Tate Modern's magazine, which promotes the museum's activities — including the Turner Prize — reports that in 12 of the last 20 years, Turner Prize jurors came from galleries that had hosted exhibitions for nominated artists. Three 1989 nominees had exhibited in Bristol's Arnolfini Gallery — whose director, Barry Barker, was on the Turner jury. In 1996, juror James Lingwood disclosed that his wife was an agent of one of the nominated artists. A spokesman for the Tate Modern says such conflicts are unavoidable when choosing judges from the small pool of people who are "passionate about contem-porary art." Okay. But could they not be more, er, artful about it? Close quote

  • What's with the Turner Prize anyhow?
| Source: What's with the Turner Prize anyhow?