Quotes of the Day

Muhammadu Buhari
Sunday, Apr. 27, 2003

Open quote Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo won re-election on April 19 in a vote that observers say was marred by fraud. The opposition, led by runner-up Muhammadu Buhari, wants Obasanjo to resign before his first term ends on May 29 and allow a new vote. Buhari met with TIME's Gilbert Da Costa in Abuja last week.

Why are you contesting the result? This is the most fraudulent election in the history of Nigeria. I have absolutely no doubts that if the election was free, fair and credible, I would have won.

Is there evidence of fraud? International election observers, who are independent and impartial, say the elections were a flop; what more evidence do we need? In several places, voting did not take place. [The ruling party] allocated votes to themselves. Even where voting took place, the results were changed.

The army has intervened in the past. would you back a coup? No, we haven't said anything like that. I contested the election because I believe democracy is good for our country. I will therefore not want to see anybody change that. However, don't forget there are millions of Nigerians who went out on April 19 to queue up under the sun or rain, subjected themselves to so much inconvenience to cast their ballots and their votes were subsequently changed. There are a lot of angry people out there. The way they decide to express their anger and frustration is not something I have control over. Close quote

  • Who really won Nigeria's presidential poll?
Photo: PIUS UTOMI EKPEI/AFP | Source: Who really won Nigeria's presidential poll?