Quotes of the Day

Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2002

Open quoteYou dictated a lot of your book into a tape recorder while driving. Aren't you a road hazard?

[Laughs.] I have a headset. I live an hour and 10 minutes out on Long Island, so I have a lot of time. I drive myself in every day. That's my thinking time. I lay out my monologue in my mind; I listen to the radio.

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CNN.com: Latest News
You Listen to the Competition?

Just Rush.

You're 40 years old. Do you still want to be doing this when you're Rush Limbaugh's or Larry King's age?

I really don't map out my life. There's no big plan. If you told me six years ago — when I was a talk-radio guy in Atlanta and Roger Ailes brought me up to New York — that all these great things would happen, I would have said, Huh? But if I were doing what I do today 30 years from now, I'd be happy.

What about going into politics?

I don't have any political ambitions at the moment. The only thing I would like to see is more conservatives in the spirit of Reagan — who have a vision, who can communicate. Then I'd never have to get into politics.

You write that conservatives "have to do a better job" of fighting liberals. We've got a conservative President and Chief Justice, and Congress is divided. At some point, don't you have to admit victory?

But there's no doubt that [liberals] are a force to be reckoned with. Democrats treat this like a blood sport. I don't see Republicans playing that hard. I think they're too nice too often.

Whose a bigger threat, terrorists or liberals?

Obviously terrorists. But there is an internal, bloodless war that has to be won first.

How does your style compare with other conservative commentators'?

One of the things I think works for me is, I am passionate about my belief system but I try never to forget the human side of the debate. I don't take it personally, and I don't make it personal. You can play golf with liberals, be neighbors with them, go out to dinner. I just don't want them in power.

What about the critics of your TV show who say [liberal co-host] Alan Colmes is a patsy?

I know Alan's good at what he does because I sit there getting aggravated every time he's speaking. We have a producer with a stopwatch who says he gets 3 1/2 minutes, I get 3 1/2 minutes.

You criticize liberals because they're against schools' teaching that there is a God. Should public schools be doing that?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal... endowed by their Creator with... unalienable rights." Yes, we should teach our kids that. I don't think we should proselytize a particular religion. But for me it's obvious. I just go back to what Jefferson said. It's self-evident.

So you've got the ear of TIME magazine. Whom should we name Person of the Year?

Oh, boy. I haven't thought about it. [Pause.] I would name President Bush. I see a lot of Reagan in Bush. He's exceeded even his worst critics' expectations. He's been able to rally the world in a noble cause, defending liberty and freedom.Close quote

  • Sean Hannity; James Poniewozik
Photo: ALLISON LEACH/TIMEPIX | Source: Conservative Hannity is co-host of Fox News's Hannity & Colmes, which just over-took CNN's Larry King Live in the ratings. TIME's TV critic James Poniewozik sparred with him about TV and politics