Quotes of the Day

Monday, Oct. 14, 2002

Open quoteDIED. PRINCE CLAUS OF THE NETHERLANDS, 76, German-born royal consort to Queen Beatrix, whose 1966 marriage to the then Crown Princess provoked public anger in a country where memories of German aggression were still fresh; in Amsterdam. The onetime Hitler Youth eventually became the royal family's most popular member, fathering three sons and taking an active role in the Netherlands' Third World development policy.

DIED. ANTHONY MAZZOCCHI, 76, American labor leader who in the 1960s pioneered the occupational safety movement; in Washington, D.C. In 1996, Mazzocchi founded the American Labor Party, which supports universal health care and free college tuition.

DIED. NAYA, 25, tree-sitter for Earth First!, an environmental group; after falling 30 meters from a redwood tree the organization was trying to protect from loggers; near Santa Cruz, California. Naya—known to fellow activists only by his "tree name"—was a homeless man who joined the group recently. He spent 12 hours on a platform in the redwood canopy before falling.

DIED. SULAMI DJOYOPRAWIRO, 77, former leader in the Indonesian Communist Party who spent 20 years in prison under the Suharto regime; in Jakarta. After her 1987 release, Sulami—who in 1949 founded the communist-affiliated Indonesian Women's Movement—dedicated herself to assisting victims of Suharto's anticommunist purges.

SENTENCED. CHEE SOON JUAN, 40, leader of Singapore's Democratic Party; to five weeks in prison after refusing to pay a fine for holding a May 1 rally without a police permit; in Singapore. Chee's application for a permit had been rejected on the grounds that the rally would threaten law and order. It is the third trip to jail for Chee, who Singapore's founder Lee Kuan Yew has called a "congenital liar" and a "political gangster."

RECOVERING. BERNARD DELANOE, 52, openly gay mayor of Paris, after being stabbed in the stomach at an all-night cultural party at the city hall; in Paris. Delanoe sustained serious injuries in the attack and had to undergo emergency surgery, but is expected to make a complete recovery. The perpetrator, a 39-year-old computer operator, said he acted out of contempt for homosexuals and politicians.

ARRESTED. SALMAN KHAN, 36, Bollywood film star known for his ripped physique and surly public persona; in connection with a hit-and-run SUV accident last month that killed a bakery worker sleeping on a sidewalk; in Bombay. Khan was originally charged with "rash and negligent driving" and released on $20 bail, but after a public outcry over his light treatment he was rearrested on the more serious charge of "culpable homicide."

RESENTENCED. GONG SHENGLIANG, 46, Christian leader whose 50,000-strong South China Church has been banned by the Chinese government; to life in prison for raping female church members; in Hubei, China. Gong and four other church leaders had their original death sentences overturned last month, possibly as a gesture of goodwill ahead of President Jiang Zemin's upcoming trip to the U.S.

16 candidates on a new Russian TV show will have a shot at winning a trip to space. The winner must pass cosmonaut medical tests and endure Survivor-style competitions for the chance at a week in orbit
75% is the rise in women over 65 who drink heavily compared with a decade ago, according to a new British study
130 million cell phones will be discarded each year by 2005, according to a study funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
140 new tree frog species were discovered during a survey of Sri Lanka's rain forests
4,000 is the number of significant threats U.S. embassies receive each year, say State Department officials
4,767 years is the age of a bristlecone pine in California, according to scientists attempting to clone what they say is the oldest living tree
35 truckloads of weapons and ammo were seized from a single cache in Afghanistan by U.S. forces last week

Rock star Tommy Lee has proposed completing the community service portion of his punishment for spousal abuse of former wife Pamela Lee by playing concerts at military bases around the world Close quote

  • For the Week of October 21, 2002
| Source: Marking the news from the week that was