Quotes of the Day

September 19. Cover image
Monday, Oct. 10, 2011

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I had been dreading the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and the way the media might handle it. Your special issue [Sept. 19] — powerful, respectful and poignant — renewed my faith in what is possible in the way of a dignified tribute.
Dorothy Ungerleider, ENCINO, CALIF., U.S.

Almost 60 years ago, Ralph Ellison made the following observation in his landmark novel, Invisible Man: "I felt as though I'd been watching a bad comedy. Only it was real and I was living it." The absence of African Americans in TIME's 9/11 commemorative issue gives the impression that they suffered no losses during the attacks. Shame on you!
Jacqueline Hill, LOS ANGELES

Did you really need to devote space to Dick Cheney so he could brag about torture — oh, sorry, I mean enhanced interrogation?

Many thanks for showing Cheney to be the manipulator of facts that he is.
Sanford A. Zaft, CINCINNATI

I appreciated Kurt Andersen's closing essay. Having visited Ground Zero a month ago, I came away with similar reflections. Imagine if, instead of entering two wars as a response to the 9/11 attacks, we had invested that $2 trillion to $3 trillion on what makes America so resilient in the first place: its people. Not only could President Bush have made the urgent call to wean us from oil, but the opportunity was also there to inspire us to invest more in education, the arts, technology and housing for the homeless, or to volunteer — all investments in citizens by citizens that would have made us stronger as a country. In the end, our leaders governed with the very thing they wanted us to overcome: fear.

I feel a lot of sympathy for all those who lived through 9/11, but I still cannot believe my eyes when I read that some people thank God for saving them from a terrible disaster that left so many dead. Does this mean these people are more special than those who perished, about whom God evidently did not care? I find this thinking presumptuous and offensive, especially toward those who have lost their loved ones.

Your extensive cataloging of events since 9/11 on the inside covers did not mention at all the establishment of the Patriot Act or the extension of it signed by President Obama. It is a significant piece of legislation, a direct consequence of 9/11 and one that continues to have a major impact on the freedom of American citizens and others through roving wiretaps, full-body scanners, sneak-and-peek warrants and the indefinite detention of aliens.

Dr. Oz's Nutrition Prescription
Finally, someone with a high profile has come out in praise of whole eggs, full-fat dairy, nuts and unadulterated food [The Oz Diet, Sept. 12]. Dr. Oz has even boosted the profile of coconut oil and red wine. Bravo! Now if we could only get the glue out of our grocery-store meat and space to breathe for our egg-laying hens.
Kathleen Turczyn, BURNSVILLE, N.C., U.S.

Dr. Oz completely ignored the role of food in nurturing our souls, establishing and maintaining bonds, and as a crucial component of cultural identity. Leave it to a doctor to take all the fun out of eating!
Joe Kurosu, TOKYO

Obesity is an affliction not of the individual but of society. To reduce obesity, we need to take into account the roles of agriculture, trade, education, the physical environment, town planning and transportation. Then we might get somewhere in preventing that waxy goo from building up in our blood vessels.

The article misses a fundamental part of the equation: the culture of cooking. Salts and fats packed in processed food are key issues in our eating problems. If you want to eat well, the best solution is to cook from scratch and enjoy your time at the table.

When I saw the headline "The Oz Diet," I thought the meat pie and chips followed by a glass of beer had finally achieved the recognition it deserved. Then I realized it wasn't about Australia at all. Wrong Oz, but very interesting all the same.

Who's the Boss?
Thailand's first female Prime Minister or not, Yingluck Shinawatra has to step out of her big brother Thaksin's shadow — the sooner the better [Sister Act, Sept. 12]. She must be in charge and prepare herself to propel her nation forward (both economically and politically), no matter how inexperienced she might be.
Munn-zie Chan, HONG KONG

Fit for the Jobs
Your Briefing page [Sept. 12] has a quote that says we should celebrate, in the name of diversity, the fact that Apple CEO Tim Cook is gay. Of what interest is sexual orientation when it comes to the competencies of a CEO? Who cares whether he is right- or left-handed?

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  • Dr. Oz's Nutrition Prescription; Who's the Boss?; Fit for the Jobs
| Source: Dr. Oz's Nutrition Prescription; Who's the Boss?; Fit for the Jobs