Quotes of the Day

Chicago Bears safety Dave Duerson during a preseason game in 1989.
Monday, Feb. 28, 2011

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Concussion detection is crucial, but could have been tackled long ago.

Over the past year, the NFL has been proactive in trying to keep its players safer. The league created stricter "return-to-play" guidelines for head injuries: for example, a player is no longer allowed to get back on the field the same day he suffers a concussion. After witnessing a set of violent head-to-head hits in October, which caused multiple concussions, the NFL increased fines for players who used their helmets as a weapon.

The NFL took another positive on Friday, when it announced that all teams will be employing a standardized sideline concussion test. The new protocol combines a symptom checklist, a cognitive evaluation and a balance assessment for players struck in the head during a game. Prior to this initiative, the concussions tests were not consistent, so teams could arrive at different conclusions as to whether a player suffered a dangerous head injury.

Give the NFL credit for trying. Last week’s suicide of former Pro Bowler Dave Duerson, who appeared to be showing early signs of cognitive impairment, and requested, right before his death, that his brain be donated to concussion research, brought even more attention to safety risks inherent in football.

But when you take a step back and look at the league’s latest reform, you can’t help but wonder: What in the world took so long?

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  • Sean Gregory
Photo: NFL Photos / AP